#Understanding the Surrogacy Process#
The surrogacy process consists of several key steps, including matching, screening, legal processes, and finalizing parental rights. This article will cover each of these steps in detail to help you understand how the surrogacy process works, focusing specifically on gestational surrogacy – a surrogacy arrangement where the surrogate mother is not genetically related to the fetus she is carrying.

#The Matching Process#
Matching is the initial phase of selecting the right surrogate. This involves finding someone who shares your values and philosophies on topics such as healthy living, abortion, and termination of pregnancy. It’s crucial that both parties feel comfortable and compatible as this will be a long-term, intimate relationship where the surrogate will carry your most treasured and valued creation – your child. It is essential to establish a strong foundation and a good rapport, as this is not just a rent-a-womb situation.

#Medical and Psychological Screening#
The screening process includes two key components: medical screening and psychological screening. The medical screening ensures that the surrogate is physically healthy and capable of carrying a child. Psychological screening assesses the surrogate’s mental state and emotional readiness for the process. This may involve discussing potential emotional consequences of carrying and giving birth to a child that she will not be raising. Assessing mental stability is essential to avoid any complications later on in the process.

#The Legal Process (Part 1: Contract Phase)#
Hiring a surrogacy attorney to represent your interests exclusively is a critical part of the surrogacy process. This attorney can guide you through agency agreements, clinic consent forms, and other legal aspects that will arise during the surrogacy journey. The legal process has two main phases:

1. Contract Phase: In the contract phase, you must establish a legally-binding agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities of the surrogate and the intended parents. This contract should detail information such as abortion/termination policies, lifestyle choices, adherence to doctor’s appointments, medical tests, and requirements. An essential part of the contract phase is creating a trust or escrow account to handle the financial components. The escrow account ensures that both surrogate and hopeful parents have financial security throughout the process.

#The Legal Process (Part 2: Establishing Parental Rights)#
The second phase of the legal process is establishing parental rights in court. This is the final step in confirming the intended parents’ status as the legal parents of the child. This process is crucial to make sure that the surrogate is not considered the child’s legal parent and that the intended parents have full rights and responsibilities once the child is born.

In conclusion, understanding the surrogacy process is essential for those seeking to start a family through this method. By following the steps, including matching, screening, legal processes, and establishing parental rights, intended parents can create a successful and fulfilling surrogacy journey.